What is Coaching?

    A coaching session is a personal and confidential conversation in which a coach accompanies you towards a declared objective, by asking questions and based on your commitment to unfold your potential, until you achieve extraordinary results.

    A good question, a powerful question questions the reality we perceive and makes us aware of things that, although they were already there, we were not able to see.

    What is Experiential Coaching?

    In an experiential coaching session a coach accompanies you using traditional coaching tools and methods as well as body&mind oriented techniques (movement, massage, improvisation, meditation).  

    Experiential Coaching aims to take the conversation to the action, to the experience, to the sensations, to the practice, to the body.

    Only when an idea moves from concept to experience can lasting change occur.

    When experimenting with the body we resort to the participation of the unconscious, proposing novelty and training. This offers the possibility of learning about our emotions, enables us to access deep levels of motivation and the possible choice of new paradigms.

    Experiential Coaching accompanies you to understand not only with reason, but with the whole being.

    PS: An Experiential coach is trauma informed coaching = Recognizes the existence of trauma and the role that trauma can play in an individual's life. Possesses knowledge about root causes and symptoms of trauma (body and behavioral). Possesses knowledge about the regulation of the nervous system. 

    Individual coaching prices

    • 1 session : €85 EUR
    • Pack 6 sessions: €510 
    • Pack of 12 sessions: €1020


      This accompaniment is for you if you wish to have clarity and courage to overcome the doubts and fears that block your dreams.

      It is for you if you want to regain hope and faith in yourself and in life.

      #notafraidofthedarkness #there'slightinthedarkness


      This accompaniment is for you if you want to reconnect with yourself, bring out your talents, your purpose and your life project, whether it is an entrepreneurial project or not, and start to put it into action.

      #setú #getalive #creadisfrutando


      Individual Accompaniment for Highly Sensitive People and "other Weirdos". A synthesis of Open Your Wings and Living Your Talents, with a special focus on PAS.

      #setu #valorate #cocreamundonuevo

      So that mind and body regain balance and give you the opportunity to make the best use of your potential.


      preventive/self-care. Sessions of 15, 20 and 30 minutes.

      With very little you can change a lot.

      We are used to pushing through, ignoring our body's signals, pushing ourselves to produce without pause, living with little annoyances that we barely notice. However, if you listen to your body's messages on a regular basis, if you give yourself permission to let go often instead of letting tension and stress build up in your body, change is much easier and quicker. It takes very little to change your mood and relieve the physical aches and pains of stress.

      Simply place yourself under the hands of a therapist for a few minutes, paying full attention to your body and feeling more presence. You will quickly notice a change in the way you are and the way you feel. Through touch and with the right technique, real "miracles" can happen. Let yourself be surprised!


      healing care/therapy. Sessions of 60 and 90 and 120 minutes

      When there is no habit of self-care and of slowing down the accelerated pace of our daily lives, what usually happens is that the body manifests discomfort that can become unbearable and even prevent us from carrying out our daily tasks normally.

      In such cases, more in-depth treatment is needed, with longer interventions and continuity.

      BodyBalance Therapy restores the balance between the areas of the body where excessive tension accumulates and the parts of the body that lack tone. It works on an energetic level, on a musculo-fascial level and on an awareness level.

      Every treatment is different. It always starts with the individual needs and the current state of the person.

      The aim is to help the body and mind to regain balance and "Flow".

      Psychocorporal therapies prices:

      • 1. BodyBalance Therapy session : €85 EUR
      • BodyBalance Therapy 6-session pack: €510 
      • Pack of 12 sessions ofBodyBalance Therapy: €1020
      • One Body Reconnection session (only possible after 1. BodyBalance session) 15 min: 10, 20min: 15, 30min: 25 